Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke (2013). Ed. by Francisco Collado.

Mapping Identity and Identification Processes (2013), Ed. by E. de Gregorio & A. Mateos-Aparicio

Unsteadily Marching On: The US South in Motion (2013), Ed. by Constante González Groba

SAAS Conference Volumes
José Antonio Gurpegui & Isabel Durán. eds., The Backyard of the U.S. Mansion, Universidad de Alcalá, 2013.
Nieves Pacual, Laura Alonso-Gallo, Fancisco Collado-Rodríguez eds., Masculinities, Feminities and the Power of the Hybrid in U.S: Narratives: Essays on Gender Borders, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag WINTER, 2007
Constante González Groba, Cristina Blanco Outón, Patricia Fra López and Susana Jiménez Placer, eds., Travelling across Cultures: The Twentieth-Century American Experience, Santiago: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2000.
E. Barros Grela & J. Liste Noya, eds. American Secrets: The Politics and Poetics of Secrecy in the Literature and Culture of the United States, Madison: Feirleigh Dickinson U.P., 2011)
M. J. Alvarez Maurín, M. Broncano, C. Fernández and Cristina Garrigós, eds., Century Ends, Crises & New Beginnings, León: Universidad de León, 1999.