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Winners of the 2016

Javier Coy Research Awards.

Best monographs:


Félix Martín, Retorno a la historia literaria norteamericana: itinerarios críticos y pedagógicos.






Felix Martín Best Thesis in American Studies Award



Prof. Félix Martín


This award is intended to recognize excellent doctoral theses by SAAS members. The endowment of this award is 500 Euros. The requirements for application are:

a) The applicant must currently be a SAAS member and must have been so continuously for the year prior to the application date

b) The applicant must have defended her/his thesis sometime in the two years prior to the Conference (January 2023– December 2024)


Application deadline: January 15, 2025.

Those interested should send a copy of their theses, as PDF, to Dr. Mar Gallego Durán, at mar@dfing.uhu.es